Suiciety, an American Band!





Crazy McClendon

You are cordially invited to rock out, scream and shout, with the citizens of Suiciety. Shunned by the lords of grunge, banished by the techno gods, excommunicated by the punk police, and persecuted by the church of folk, Fletch, Adam, and Aram set out to create hard-rocking, groove-throbbing tunes. And so Suiciety was born. Since then, with the most fortunate addition of Ely and Patrick, we gave you last year's Suiciety. This year, following Patrick's career move to New Jersey, and Ely's departure to the land of groove-whack bass madness, we're proud to join up with a wild new drummer, Crazy Scott McClendon, and a righteous new bassist, Jesse Tomaino of RoundWound Recording. These two guys have been bringing a whole new sound to Suiciety. You'll like it, trust me.

Each with horribly different musical backgrounds, Suiciety is influenced by the likes of Sabbath, Alice, Jane's, Garbage, Poison (yes, Poison), Rush, and others. Each of us bringing his own - we'll call it "style" - to the stage. OK, we fight a lot. We can't even agree on a single cover tune. But it still works. Trust us. You'll see.

So come down to Suiciety, and reach the bottom rung.
You may not be moved.
You may not be inspired.
But you'll have a lot of fun.